Paweł Łaźniak
Focusing on film production since 2004, chiefly in areas of post-production and special effects creation. Worked for MTV, TVN and TVP (Polish public TV) stations. Virtual reality and related issues aficionado since time immemorial. First in Poland to sell and commercially implement (jointly with Damian Karczewski) a VR goggles-based project (Oculus) under the trade name VR-ONE. Out of passion, working with Damian Karczewski and Adam Cegielski, converted the brand into business by founding the successful VR VISIO GROUP S.A. (today: Ignibit S.A.). Currently working to develop HexArt, a company combining his love for cinematography with technologies, untying and retying code knots for the UE4 engine – with a particular focus on generating sound workflows for LED- and GreenBox-based virtual productions, feature films and TV commercials.