Jerzy Stachowicz

Holder of a Ph.D. in culture studies, staff member at the Section of the Anthropology of the Word at the Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw. Explores and researches new media in the context of anthropology of the word, and pre-1939 popular culture. Author of such books as Technogadżet w magicznym świecie konsumpcji (Techno-Gadgets in the Magical World of Consumption, 2016), Komputery, powieści i kino nieme. Procesy remediacji w perspektywie historycznej (Computers, Novels and the Silent Cinema. Processes of Remediation in the Historical Perspective, 2018). Co-author of i.a. Śniąc o potędze (Dreaming of Power, 2012), and Jasnowidze i detektywi (Clairvoyants and Detectives, 2019).