Grzegorz Pochwatko

Psychologist, researcher and academic teacher. Founder and manager of the Virtual Reality and Psychophysiology Laboratory at the Institute of Psychology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Experienced in managing scientific research projects. Active in disseminating and popularising science for years. His research interests involve behaviours of virtual reality users, with a particular focus on interactions between avatars, virtual humanoid agents and robots. Explores issues of shared presence in traditional virtual environments and cinematographic VR. One of his most recent projects involves the influence of VR film on local history, location attachment, and civic involvement interests. Joined forces with researchers from the Łódź Film School, University of Łódź and National Information Processing Institute to implement a research project with a focus on VR film language ( His most recent EEA-funded project involves a multisensory Virtual Air Pollution Experience – VAPE (, Has been collaborating with non-governmental organisations and local governments, and – in the area of interdisciplinary scientific projects – with representatives of technical sciences and fine arts.